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When a Pastor Falls into Sin: Where to go from here

  Why do pastor's fall into sin?         With the recent news that another popular, well-known, well-loved megachurch pastor fell into sin, we must ask why are pastor's falling into sin? The very simple answer is that pastors have the same problem as everyone else - they are innately sinful. All of us have at least this one commonality, we are sinners. Therefore, it should not surprise us that pastors fall into sinful acts and behaviors.           Each story is unique, with nuanced emotions and rationalities that play a part in the act of sinning. But one consistent action in each story is that every pastor (and every lay person) decides in the moment whether they will sin or submit to God. My mentor and pastor, Steve Pope, has said for years, "The most spiritual thing you will do today is make a decision." Every choice we make; each decision we decide; all the verdicts we conclude either lead us to truth as we have submitted to Jesus or lead us to destruction as we h

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